Statement of Faith
The faculty and staff share a common commitment to these historic Christian beliefs. This unified theological posture is reflected in the classroom instruction. We believe in:
- The one, true and living God
- The Trinity: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- The inspiration, inerrancy and authority of the Bible as God’s Word
- The literal, historical, grammatical interpretive approach to the Bible
- Man’s sinfulness and separation from God
- The existence of Angels and Satan
- The full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ
- The sacrificial, substitutionary death of Christ on the cross for Man’s sin
- The bodily resurrection and present exaltation of Christ
- Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ
- The deity of the indwelling Holy Spirit
- The Lordship of Jesus Christ over His Church, the people of God.
- The importance of the local church
- The Great Commission to make disciples
- The priesthood of all believers
- The need for righteous living and godly works
- A pretribulation rapture of the Church
- The premillennial return of Jesus Christ
- Future life, bodily resurrection and judgment.